Blog Designer


As “a content designer with my own website“, I am about to transform one of my websites into a blog. I’m going to blog about topics I’ve been working with and been interested in for a long time, and combine these with the ongoing digital transformation. When the blog is live, I may also call myself a self-employed blog designer.

I can’t wait to see how the blog will evolve, and who joins on the blog journey!

Feel free to contact me if you would like my advice or assistance 😊

Blog Subjects

Digital Business

Do you want to expand your digital skills, create your own side hustle or replace your current job? Whatever your ambitions are, you may test your business idea online on a low budget before you launch.

Own Website

The website is your online “home” where you present your brand & offer and convert visitors to customers. Own platform provides flexibility and control. You may also get going at a low budget.


Publishing content at your own website gives you control over the content. User activities happen “at your home” and brings valuable data of what works and what needs adjustment to reach your goals.